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Friday, September 30, 2005

It's almost the end of September and just a week ago Autumn or Fall officially began. While most trees have yet to turn yellow and dry up, save for some maple trees, Minnesota is still on the green side. Good.

Fall begins on the day of the autumnal equinox, when the day is exactly the same length as the night. A lot's been said about pagan beliefs about the equinoxes but for me, it only signals the start of a season. One that I am not quite ready yet to face. Why? Autumn= cool temps. Cool temps= doesn't agree with Kerrie.

And what a way to celebrate Fall than to fall, literally, from a staircase! Last night, at around 3 am, while attempting to retrieve a pair of socks for my cold feet, I missed the last two steps of the stairs and fell, and sprained my pretty left ankle! And while I was lying on the floor, alone in the dark, writhing in serious pain, wondering whether I have broken a bone or merely bruised my foot, I thought how fate must be playing tricks on me. Here I am in the US, stupidly refusing to buy an insurance policy and darn well falling off the stairs. I would probably need medical attention and it would cost me a bunch.

Why couldn't I have fallen from our stairs in the Philippines, where I have at least some insurance? Fate's answer? Our floor in the Philippines is concrete, here it is carpeted. Good for me then , huh? Yeah. Right.

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On the left corner,weighing 2000 lbs from Minnesota, "Buffalo Bill"! On the right, weighing over 90 lbs, from Philippines, "Tourist Kerrie!"

she told the story ... 12:36 AM

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

There's a pretty big storm out there... Toppled trees everywhere, flood, the wind is too strong it's breaking car windows!!! There's also some power outages and I heard the traffic is unbelievable... Finally, sounds like the Philippines! Everybodys panicking, they don't know what to do... In the hallways, the only people that dont seem to care are the indifferent teens and the Asians who are used to this crap. People wondered if things like this happened in my country. My reply, why, yes! Many times over. So I sat there playing Snake-- beating my high score again while everybody wondered whether to go home and not get paid for the rest of the evening. And I am stuck at work, with hardly anything to do... No, I take that back, I'm actually doing most of the work coz some of the others have left already. Ohh, the humanity!

By the by, were still cut off from civilization. No phone lines again, ergo no internet line. So you'll understand if I'm so slow at getting anything new posted in here.

YAKKED AND BLABBED SOMEWHERE. Yesterday my guy, Vincent, had to go home early coz he had severe tummy pain. So when he told the boss, she told him to go straight to the hospital coz it might be appendicitis. Vincent's reply? "Ay wala na po!"
(If you didn't get it, he's already had hid appendix removed, dummy!)

she told the story ... 10:23 PM

Thursday, September 15, 2005

I have no recollection of that last post.. But this one is true.

I may have seen an unidentified flying object tonight.. SERIOUSLY! Why do I think so? My mom first noticed it and asked me if it was a star coz there was only one big, bright ball of light. I said it cannot possibly be a star, coz no star is that big--it's three times the size of a normal star. Even Venus in the dawn is not that big. There simply is no heavenly body seen on earth that's that big. So, we wondered. She therefore concluded it was an airplane since there was a landing strip nearby. Hmm. An airplane flying so low? Imagine one headlight-- IN the sky.

And then, that one headlight became two. A red one popped up beside it. So yeah, maybe it was a plane... Right? But then a small blue light turned on in the middle of the two existing lights. I dunno about you but I have never seen a blue light on a plane. But maybe that's possible. And even if that is so, it is illegal for planes to turn their lights on and off as they please.

Yeah, so perhaps it was just an airplane and I'm only convincing myself it was an alien so that I could feel special... But as far as I know, it is physically impossible for airplanes to hover. The only aircraft capable of that is a helicopter and I would know if that was a helicopter. It was not. There are no hovercrafts here, are there? Plus, an airplane can only move forward, never backward. If it wants to go back where it came from, it has to maneuver at an arc to go back. This one flew forwards, then backwards... or maybe I was just hallucinating.

What was that me and my mom saw at Crystal, Minnesota's skyline this evening? Was it an alien spacecraft? Or was it merely an airplane with malfunctioning lights? Nobody knows. That is a mystery.

YAKKED AND BLABBED SOMEWHERE. My five-year-old Americanized cuzzin Aaron is trying to learn to count in Filipino. "I-sa, Dall-wa, Tat-low, Apat, Leema, Uh-nim, PETER, walow, see-yam, Sampooo!!!"

she told the story ... 12:43 AM

Thursday, September 08, 2005

This is telegram message. From outer space. Tis hard to communicate. Been held captive by monster alien babies. No communication, no telephone, no internet. Only telepathy. This is telepathic communication to internet kiosk in Medtronic Headquarters, Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, USA, Earth. Very glad it works effectively. Have to go soon. Monster alien babies might catch me in act of this deed. Not very good for my beauty regimen. They like to sprout thick eyebrows on me little pores as punishment. Very hard to shave or pluck. Oh, i forget me message. This: Might not be able to post for long time. I told you, i am prisoner in Alien universe. Must find a way first to get shackles off me feet so I can run and find space ship to do cosmic jumps in space. But nuff about that. I am fine. Little disturbed but fine. Earthlings! Watch Skeleton key, tis disturbing! Voodoo people in New Orleans! And to think New Orleans is now sinking in sea water... Sad. But Monster alien babies like catastrophies. So they watch CNN all the time. And wait till Larry King drops dead. Bad alien babies! Baaad!!! if I don't make sense it is because of signal interruption from CNN. Don't pay me heed. I like to babble. Me losing signal... must... go... alien babies... get me... run.. after.. me pretty head... have.. to..go.. right aw

she told the story ... 10:18 PM

%that's me
Karrisa. A cat lover. A dog lover. Frustrated poet and writer. Cynic. Stardust traveller. Stubborn. Here and There. Maaaaaaaaad.

~ Calla Lillies
~ Cats and Dogs~ ~ Mexicali Roast Beef Burrito and Chips Ahoy!~ ~ Chinese food and Fastfood~ ~ The Landmark and Mall of Asia~ ~ Eating and Napping~ ~ Tennis and Tennis Players :D~ ~ Music and Lyrics~ ~ Broadway and Jazz Hands~ ~ Musical Plays and Lea Salonga~ ~ Christopher Pike and Agatha Christie~ ~ Cryptograms and Text Twist~ ~ Art and Creativity~ ~ Love and Masochism~ ~ The Gladiator and Russel Crowe~ ~ Korea's Full House~ ~ My boyfie... Vincent~ ~

~LG Strawberry Chocolate
~ Go to Hawaii
~ Go back to the Philippines



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