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Tuesday, May 30, 2006

You will not believe the week I'm having. From last Friday, the 26th to today, the 30th, things have been so unpredictably good I can't even make sense of it.

26th: I got my impromptu Pizza Party and a very sincere farewell from all my co-workers

27th: We went to Grand Rios and had a blast

28th: I was supposed to fly home to the Philippines (with my cousin Kris) but lo and behold something happened with the aircraft and so the flight had to be cancelled! We stayed the night at the Ramada Inn at the Mall of America.

29th: Finally we took off for Tokyo, things have gone smoothly... until we landed at the Narita Airport on the...

3oth: We find out that we were booked for a flight for the next day, a Wednesday via Japan Airlines. Sooo it meant we had to stay in Japan for the entire day and therefore we were given a visa to enter their glorious country. Nice! Japan is one of the places I've been dreaming of going, and here's a free pass to Nippon country! Yeah.

So right now, I'm at the Radisson Hotel enjoying a beautiful twin suite... But I'm very tired so I'll expound on this some other time. Right now, I'm tired from being so elated by all these unpredictability. Thank you Lord for all these.

she told the story ... 7:00 AM

Sunday, May 28, 2006

There's something about saying goodbye that leaves one feeling disoriented and a little incomplete. Maybe it's because of the residue of the relationships you have built that you are now putting a stop to. Maybe it's because no matter how you say goodbye, you know closure only comes after a wound has left a gash on your knee. And for a while that wound will keep hurting and bleeding. It's inevitable.

My last day at Medtronic was a happy one. I had come in thinking I might cry but they all made me happy. They surprised me with an impromptu pizza party and an impromptu letter. It was a nice and kind gesture. I totally appreciate it. I felt very blessed and very special. As much as it saddened me to leave, it was a happy departure. And everybody expressed that they would all want me back. Even my supervisor told me to call him when I get back into the country.

I wish I didn't have to say goodbye to many people in my life. I wish I wasn't flighty. But that's all I am right now. I'm a fleeting memory. I'm a bridge-builder. I just keep building all these bridges and then going on to the next one before I could even fully see the capacity of my creation. I'm just glad I've got sense enough not to burn my bridges. I'd love to come back and see if I could pick up where I left off.

God bless everybody I worked with at Medtronic. Goodness knows they're some of the most brilliant, hard-working people I will ever meet in my life.

she told the story ... 3:40 AM

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

I had finally mustered the courage to get up to my boss, and tell him I quit. It was a terrible ordeal. I was ashamed for whatever subconscious reason. But a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do, right? Right.

And so I quit. Told 'em I'd stick around for a good two weeks. Not very true since I'm leaving 3 days prior to my supposed final date. And they don't know that. Another dilemma. Jeez. I don't wanna keep coming up to my boss and telling him my dramatic situations. If anything I don't want to see him and come across him, much less talk to him. He's this military type, ya know. So, I don't really like to be under scrutiny all the time. You never know what goes on behind these army people's heads.

I feel as if I shouldn't be there anymore. It's a little awkward. I already quit, for Pete's sakes. I shouldn't have to stick my butt inside that room. The fact that I'm still gonna get paid is the only consolation-- and the bonus I expect to be getting for being a part of Medtronic's successful fiscal year. Other than that, I would really be sooo much happier just spending time lounging around like a whale at home.

she told the story ... 1:37 AM

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

MSN's homepage is a wonder to behold... I've been reading human interest articles like never before. And here's one I came across just this morning. It's long been disputed that cellular phones can cause cancer. While research has been done on this, no conclusive evidence has become solid proof and no consensus has been reached. Still, it's important to know that whethere or not it causes cancer, some radio waves still pass through the body via the cell phone.

In an article in, it lists the phones with the highest SAR level with the phone next to the ear. The SAR or specific apsorption rate is "a way of measuring the quantity of radiofrequency (RF) energy that is absorbed by the body." The FCC regulation level must be less than 1.6 W/kg.

Top Ten radioactive phones:

Manufacturer and model SAR level(digital)

1. Motorola Slvr L6 1.58
2. Motorola V120c 1.55
3. Motorola V265 1.55
4. Motorola V70 1.54
5. Motorola C290 1.53
6. Motorola P8767 1 .53
7. Motorola ST7868 1.53
8. Motorola ST7868W 1.53
9a. Motorola A845 1.51
9b. Palm Treo 650 GSM 1.51
9bc. Panasonic Allure 1.51

Here are the levels for some Nokia phones...

Model SAR
3100 0.98
3120 0.75
3200 0.46
3300 0.87
3361 0.63
3600 1.27
3650 0.83
5100 0.4
6101 0.68
6120 0.43
6200 0.91
6255i 1.27
6310i 0.84
6360 0.63
6600 0.50
7210 0.45
7610 0.55
8260 0.95
8800 0.46
9290 0.43
9300 0.24
Digital 5160 1.45
N-Gage 0.37
N90 0.22
VI-3155i 1.22

For more info, read the entire article yourself.

So are you radioactive yet???

she told the story ... 12:31 PM

Sunday, May 14, 2006

You know how they say in the Philippines that the moment you are born, you are already buried under so much debt all before you can even count?

Well, in America, you potentially actually are in debt.

Let's see...

Philippines: "Mag-impok sa bangko," says a public advocacy advertisement.
USA: An American Express slagan says, "Don't leave home without it."

Philippines: Banks have advertisements for elementary-age kids to save their money.
USA: What advertisement?

Philippines: Banks give you a hard time before you can get a credit card.
USA: Credit cards have replaced real money.

Philippines: Want a house? Get a loan.
USA: Want a house? Get a loan--but first, I have to see your credit history!

This credit history thing is what baffles me the most about this country. How can a first-world country, one of the world's superpowers encourage its citizens to dig a hole for themselves just to build a credit history?

You can't buy a car, a house, get a cellphone plan or take a loan if you do not have a credit history. They have to know that you can pay your bills, after all. But how do you build this history? By getting a credit card. Yup, by asking money from a third party first, then try to promptly pay it later. There's a flaw here, however. People who have a lot of money on their hands--or think they do(even if it's on a plastic), tend to splurge. It's called spending beyond their means.

This is what corporate America gorges on the dining table with-- their citizens' gullibility. Actually, it's not so much their citizens' fault. They are forced into this set-up. I point the finger on corporate America and the people at the top of the hierarchy.

My point in all these? Ayokong magka-utang! whaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!

she told the story ... 12:52 AM

Sunday, May 07, 2006

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This is the kind of movie that will leave you reflecting on your way home. As the title suggests, this is about the life of Truman Capote, dubbed America's most famous contemporary writer. An openly gay and eccentric persona, Capote as captured by the wonderful Phillip Seymour Hoffman, is as believable as they come.

I don't even want to write a review of the movie, I just want to sing praises to Hoffman. This guy delivers a staggering performance every inch worth the Oscar gold. I'm a Joaquin Phoenix fan and I've seen Walk the Line and Joaquin was deep and troubled in that movie, but in Capote, Hoffman became Truman Capote. That's how good he was.

I've always thought the true measure of being a great actor is when the actor ceases to be an actor, when he becomes the character. And it is when the audience has blurred the lines between the superstar actor and the flawed character he portrays that he becomes effective and generates empathy-- or ill-regard as in the case of character actors.

I highly recommend Capote especially for the true film and acting enthusiasts who enjoy a good performance. The film itself isn't so bad, but it's kinda long. You'll endure it just to see how hoffman carries the character through.

she told the story ... 11:12 PM

Thursday, May 04, 2006

I feel lost.

I'm mad.

I'm lost in a blizzard of madness--

In the middle of spring.

I catch a dandelion and try to sneeze to freeze my brain for a nano second.

An eternity of peace.

What I'd give for peace of mind.

Alas, who am I to be given such luxury?

I am nothing but a speck in the cosmos,

some petty daughter of a distant supernova.

Unabashedly betrayed, guiltlessly forsaken.

And now I am lost...

Finally found my way to the bus stop.

Right here

Waiting for the universe to take my atoms back into the arms of its stars.

she told the story ... 3:32 AM

%that's me
Karrisa. A cat lover. A dog lover. Frustrated poet and writer. Cynic. Stardust traveller. Stubborn. Here and There. Maaaaaaaaad.

~ Calla Lillies
~ Cats and Dogs~ ~ Mexicali Roast Beef Burrito and Chips Ahoy!~ ~ Chinese food and Fastfood~ ~ The Landmark and Mall of Asia~ ~ Eating and Napping~ ~ Tennis and Tennis Players :D~ ~ Music and Lyrics~ ~ Broadway and Jazz Hands~ ~ Musical Plays and Lea Salonga~ ~ Christopher Pike and Agatha Christie~ ~ Cryptograms and Text Twist~ ~ Art and Creativity~ ~ Love and Masochism~ ~ The Gladiator and Russel Crowe~ ~ Korea's Full House~ ~ My boyfie... Vincent~ ~

~LG Strawberry Chocolate
~ Go to Hawaii
~ Go back to the Philippines



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