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Wednesday, March 29, 2006

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You think the world is designed for you
That every little intricate detail
suits your style and
caters to your mood
You think that the world spins
Because your head spins in a dizzying pace
Trying to figure out whether black will turn to white
Or whether gray is really in the spectrum.
You think the world follows you
That you can say what you want and
The world will be delighted by your voice
and your predilections
You think that just because you think
It will give the world meaning.
You think you are right
But you are wrong.
The world will spin without you
Make absolute sense without you
Breathe without you
Live without you
Cheat without you
Hurt without you
The world will betray you
Simply because you are no longer

March 29, 2006
The Absence of You

Funny how time and space can make me feel detached-- concepts that seem elusive to my grasp yet somehow, they are as real as daggers to my heart. Pain is also just a concept. Exercise "Mind over Matter" and you'll find that pain is just a brain signal. But this is the same exercise that will allow you to feel excruciating pain even when there's no physical harm to yourself. It's true, emotional harm is worse especially for the sensitive souls.

Time and distance is a trap set forth by the cosmos to lure misguided souls into forcing their pain thresholds. Up to what extent will you endure pain? Will you cry? Will you bleed? Will you succumb to it?

Today I babble. I make no sense. But in my mind, the world is clear. There is blood on my pillow already, tears on the sleeves of my shirt and medication to keep the pain at bay. As for thoughts, time, space, distance... concepts, the cosmos, brain signals... These are beyond my control, ergo out of my reach. I can control tears and bleeding and palpitations... fluctuations of the jaded heart but not love, not life, not death. Certainly not faith.

Forgive me for being senseless. Today I exercise my freedom to keep you in pain by simply babbling.

she told the story ... 1:32 AM

Friday, March 17, 2006

***You Should Be A Scorpio***
What's good about you: intense and energetic, you can easily transform the vibe of a room
What's bad about you: if someone rubs you the wrong way, you'll sting them!
In love: you experience very strong feelings - both passion and jealousy
In friendship, you're: likely to demand loyalty and dump friends who don't provide it
Your ideal job: circus performer, hypnotist, or hunter
Your sense of fashion: revealing, daring outfits - you love taking fashion risks
You like to pig out on: spicy Thai, Mexican, or Indian food
What Sign Should You Be?
If you are in love with a Scorpio man or woman,give him or her your full attention and devotion.Sharp as a tack, this person definitely noticeseverything. You will be able to keep no secretshere; this individual is an expert at ferreting themout. Truthfulness is well appreciated by this mate.Emotions are extremely important to a Scorpio andyou must be willing to explore the range (thevalleys as well as the peaks) in order to keep thispartner happy. Passionate and possessive, he(she) needs a lot of physical statement. This mateoften even defines his (her) relationship to you bythe amount of actual physical connection. If youare not interested in touchy-feely, you might wantto look elsewhere for true happiness. Loyalty isalso very valuable to this individual as he (she) willwant to look at you as being his (hers) alone.Should you stumble in this area, you may beforgiven but don't think that your Scorpio lover willforget (with such a sharp mind, little is forgotten).Of course, this works both ways and a moredevoted mate would be hard to find. You have inthis partner an extremely strong personality. Thisrelationship works best if you can maintain some ofyour own strength and keep things equal. Findingother arenas to excel in by yourself can also helphere as very few signs can successfully competewith Scorpio. Don't ever try to force something onthis mate, either; coaxing works better than bruteforce here. Be aware, too, that Scorpio's power isoften of the hidden variety. You mustn't take thismate at face value only. If you delight inchallenges, enjoy the world of emotions and arealso a sturdy and strong personality, you may havejust your cup of tea here. This is one individual whois going places and, if you can keep up, would behappy to take you along.
Interesting. I must have been a Scorpio in my past life. Although my schizophrenia is so apt to my being a Gemini...

she told the story ... 1:33 AM

Monday, March 13, 2006

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Stuff Magazine's March 2006 edition lists the 25 greatest "Media whores" of the past year-- people and things that have hogged the spotlight like crazy last year. That list includes Tom Cruise, Tupac Shakur and Lindsay Lohan. And the number one whore? Mother Nature.
Mother Nature has been very nice to me this past year. The infamous frigidity of Minnesota winter did not come at all. And below zero days were few and far between and happened mostly during late November. Even Minnesotans were pleasantly surprised that while New York and the East Coast was being battered by bad snowy weather, we here were feeling 40-degree sunshiney days (a joy in winter, I tell ye).
Fast forward to today. Spring will be in a little over a week, with the Spring equinox scheduled on the 21st. But wait, Mother Nature wants winter to end with a bang! Picture this. Last week, the highest temperature was 51 degrees. And today, we are in the middle of a snow storm that threatens to bury Minneapolis in 8 inches of white, glistening splendor. That means bad traffic, slippery roads and ear muffs to combat frostbite.
Yes, Mother Nature is darn sick of TomKat's and Brangelina's faces on every other tabloid and wants to make it clear she wants her share of media attention. Somebody get the paparazzi here already before she unleashes a blizzard of apocalyptic proportions!!!!

she told the story ... 2:32 AM

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Your Heart Is Pink
In relationships, you like to play innocent - even though you aren't.Each time you fall in love, it's like falling for the first time.
Your flirting style: Coy
Your lucky first date: Picnic in the park
Your dream lover: Is both caring and dominant
What you bring to relationships: Romance
What Color Heart Do You Have?

she told the story ... 1:51 AM

%that's me
Karrisa. A cat lover. A dog lover. Frustrated poet and writer. Cynic. Stardust traveller. Stubborn. Here and There. Maaaaaaaaad.

~ Calla Lillies
~ Cats and Dogs~ ~ Mexicali Roast Beef Burrito and Chips Ahoy!~ ~ Chinese food and Fastfood~ ~ The Landmark and Mall of Asia~ ~ Eating and Napping~ ~ Tennis and Tennis Players :D~ ~ Music and Lyrics~ ~ Broadway and Jazz Hands~ ~ Musical Plays and Lea Salonga~ ~ Christopher Pike and Agatha Christie~ ~ Cryptograms and Text Twist~ ~ Art and Creativity~ ~ Love and Masochism~ ~ The Gladiator and Russel Crowe~ ~ Korea's Full House~ ~ My boyfie... Vincent~ ~

~LG Strawberry Chocolate
~ Go to Hawaii
~ Go back to the Philippines



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